Every music marketing company out there seems to claim to be the best at playlist pitching. Well, 90% of those companies are scams and are getting your music added to botted playlists that have zero value, ultimately leading to your music being flagged and taken down by your distributor. We care about our clients and their careers, so we have developed a proprietary pitching service that is truly unmatched. We have completed successful pitching campaigns in all genres and have pitched over 5,000 singles since 2017. 

Unlike most playlist pitching services, our campaigns do not interfere with your streaming algorithm nor will our service get your music removed from streaming platforms. This means that tracks promoted through our service will always be eligible for all algorithmic playlists such as Discover Weekly, artist radio, and activation of your "This is" playlist! 


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4 products

Organic Spotify Playlist Pitching - Organic Music MarketingOrganic Spotify Playlist Pitching - Organic Music Marketing
Organic Spotify Playlist Pitching Sale priceFrom $149.99
Organic Soundcloud Promotion - Organic Music MarketingOrganic Soundcloud Promotion - Organic Music Marketing
Organic Soundcloud Promotion Sale priceFrom $99.99
Spotify and YouTube Packages - Organic Music MarketingSpotify and YouTube Packages - Organic Music Marketing
Spotify and YouTube Packages Sale priceFrom $325.00
Editorial Playlist Pitching Campaign - Organic Music MarketingEditorial Playlist Pitching Campaign - Organic Music Marketing